Due to certain restrictions, i’ve been stop writing about my experiences and all previous content have been removed for further review. From this point of time, i’ve been given a little bit of Freedom from my employer Sigur Ros Sdn. Bhd. to write and share my experiences.
Lets start with knowing Sigur Ros Sdn. Bhd. (www.sgrsb.com). Sigur Ros Sdn. Bhd. is the FIRST Malaysian Offshore Construction Company penetrating Turkmenistan and my be also in Caspian Sea. Sigur Ros owned a shallow water pipelayer barge Arawana (Specification can be downloaded at www.sgrsb.com). Currently Sigur Ros is executing a major Offshore Installation contract in Caspian Sea. One of the major strength of Sigur Ros will be its run by very experience professional (the owner it self start their career as an Offshore Installation Engineer).
Its a very ‘strange’ & interesting life working with Sigur Ros. Giving FREE meal to all employee @ HQ Office & Sites makes me feel its a ‘People Oriented Company’… To be continued…. (have to rest, weather in Turkmenistan is very ‘extreme’. 9 deg. celcius compare to 30 degree in Malaysia … Spasiva!)